How To Build A Concrete Retaining Wall and Its Benefit For Your Home

A concrete retaining wall is the best option to use if you want to remove an unleveled slope, add a planting bed, or to control erosion. 

Concrete retaining walls are not difficult to build, and anyone can install it. Also, the concrete retaining walls are long-lasting, and it can be built with different textures and colors. 

We have compiled ways to build concrete retaining walls and its benefits for your home. 

Materials and tools used

  • Sand 
  • Compactable gravel 
  • Crushed gravel
  • Concrete adhesive 
  • Block chisel 
  • Shovel 
  • Wheelbarrow 
  • Tamper
  • Transit 
  • Caulk gun 
  • Trowel 
  • 3-lb hammer 
  • Concrete blocks 
  • Brick tongs 
  • Tape measure 
  • 4 ft level 

Steps to build concrete retaining walls

  1. Mark out the area 

The first step is to mark out the area where you want to build the concrete retaining walls. Also, find out if they are any underground wire.

In some cases, cable wires or telephone wires are buried underneath the surface level of the ground. 

  1. Dig and level the base 

Proceed to dig and level the surface where the concrete retaining wall will be built. To do this, use transit to make a smooth and level height. 

Then go on to build a deep flat space of 4-6 feet and a width of about 24-28 feet. It let you build the allowed base material. 

Give a clear space of a minimum of 12 feet at the back of the wall to build the crushed rock. 

  1. Install 

Put in about 4-6 feet of sand or material level to the upper part of the stakes. Also, reduce it until you are sure it is 1 foot underneath the top. You can use a tamper for this. 

  1. Pour sand into space and screed it 

Give a smooth sand base for building the initial part of the blocks. Use a flat screed board to make the sand level. 

Also, use a hand trowel to remove bumps if they are any. 

  1. Make the initial row level 

Use a tau sting line to make a level row after installing the first part of the blocks. Then add natural soil to straighten the level on both sides. 

  1. Hit pins to close the parts one after the other 

This will enable you to achieve the ¾ backset for every row. An additional pin is needed to put the installed pins under the block surface so it won’t disturb the blocks on the subsequent rows. Then cut the blocks with a chisel.

  1. Backfill with crumpled and unbalanced gravel 

Crushed gravel helps in providing a channel for water to pass through. It would also help in leading the backfill pressure downward and not outward. 

  1. Use unique cap blocks 

Cap blocks can be placed with a slender overhang. The cap blocks end the concrete retaining walls. It also makes the top of the walls lovely. 

Benefits of a concrete retaining wall 

  1. It helps in preventing floods by directing the rainwater to the road
  2. It also helps in beautifying your home
  3. It prevents the soil from causing havoc in your home
  4. It is durable and reliable


With the right tools and materials, you can build concrete retaining walls with ease. There are more than enough good reasons why concrete retaining walls should be considered in your home.